Categories: Lifestyle

Blackheads vs. Whiteheads: What Are Their Differences

Something about Koreans sets them apart from the rest of the world: their flawless skin. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with clear skin. Then again, having clear skin does not happen overnight.

To have clear and flawless skin, you have to take care of it. In the Philippines, you can buy Korean skincare products from online shops or reputable retail stores, mostly in popular malls nearby. However, make sure to consult a doctor before buying skincare products to avoid adverse reactions on your skin.

What you need to know about blackheads and whiteheads

It is said that at least 85 percent of young adults and adolescents suffer from acne. Contrary to popular belief, there are different types of acne. It is characterized by red bumps with either whiteheads or blackheads. These usually appear as clumps of red and inflamed bumps on your face or back.

Blackheads and whiteheads, which are also known as comedones, are types of acne. The two are often interchanged but are two different things. Nonetheless, these can lead to unhealthy skin which, can affect one’s confidence and self-esteem.

On the one hand, blackheads occur when your pores are clogged by sebum. Sebum is dirt and oil that has accumulated on your pores, oxidizes, and then results in that black color blackheads are known for. Blackheads are also known as open comedones and often appear on your face as well in your back and shoulders.

Meanwhile, whiteheads are also known as closed comedones. Unlike blackheads, whiteheads do not oxidize and turn black because air is not able to enter the follicles underneath your skin. Regardless, whiteheads are also a result of an accumulation of dirt and oil that can get inflamed and turn to acne. Whiteheads also appear on your face, back, and shoulders.

How to treat whiteheads and blackheads

Looking at the bright side, blackheads and whiteheads are not the worst cases of acne unless you don’t do something about them. Fortunately, there are ways to treat blackheads and whiteheads to ensure brighter and healthier-looking skin. Here are tips to help manage your skin impurities:

1. Use over-the-counter products

These skincare products help open up the pores to remove dirt and bacteria that cause acne. In particular, you should use products that have benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or anything with “non-comedogenic” included in the packaging. These ingredients help in drying out acne and removing skin impurities.

2. Use alternative products

If you are wary of using any OTC product, you can opt for other alternatives that can help get rid of blackheads and whiteheads. These include tea tree oil, aloe vera, brewer’s yeast, and AHA (alpha hydroxy acid). However, make sure to consult a doctor before using any of these products.

3. Keep your hands off your acne

Never touch your acne, especially with dirty hands, and don’t squeeze your pimples. It can lead to infection and make your acne worse. You can use the mentioned products to help you deal with your blackheads and whiteheads. Thankfully, these products exist, so you won’t suffer from such skin conditions for long.

Ethan Reynolds

Meet Ethan Reynolds, an avid writer with a zest for life and a passion for exploring the vibrant tapestry of human experiences. With a background in cultural studies and a love for culinary adventures, Ethan weaves captivating stories that delve into the realms of lifestyle, health, food, fashion, music, culture, and travel. When he's not tapping away at his keyboard, you can find him savoring exotic cuisines, grooving to eclectic tunes, or immersing himself in the local customs of a new destination. Through his engaging writing, Ethan aims to inspire readers to embrace the richness of life, foster well-being, and embark on transformative journeys of discovery.

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