
Go Slow with Boho: New Rules for Festival Dressing

It’s festival season once more! If you haven’t done your shopping yet, here’s a tip: skip the crochet and flower crown.

Head-to-toe festival boho has been relegated to times past, and the right festival style now means going for fun, practical pieces. No more dodgy accessories and costume-y headpieces that can make you look out of place (it’s a festival, not a Halloween party.) This year, you want style and function in equal amounts. After all, there is nothing like music festivals to experience all four seasons in one day, with a beer in hand, no less.

Has your style been festival boho all along? Don’t fret! You can still wear some of your bohemian favorites The key is in finding the right pieces to go along with them. We’re here to give advice on what to look out for when scouting your favorite women’s clothing boutique for key festival pieces that will make you look stunning, without going overboard.

Pick One Statement Piece

When someone says festivals, our minds almost automatically think either rock and roll or bohemian. But the problem with a themed ensemble is there is a risk of looking unnatural (read: fake) instead of cool.

The truth is, you’re not fooling anyone with that fresh-off-the-racks AC/DC shirt. If you plan to wear a vintage rock and roll tee, match it with jean ripped shorts, a pair of beat-up sneakers, and a leather jacket — but only if the ensemble feels authentic to you. If you feel an affinity towards the band, or at least actually listen to them, the better.

If you’re keen on maintaining your bohemian streak, pick only one statement piece and mix it with other basic pieces from your closet. For example, you may go in a silk or velvet cami, a pair of cute shorts, an oversized jacket, and lace-up sandals. You get to keep the boho element with your strappy footwear, but without going top-to-toe boho.

Leave Your A-List Clothes in The Closet

Rumors are, Festival Queen Vanessa Hudgens is breaking her hiatus this year, and we’re nothing short of excited! Tempting as it is to grace the festival in full designer gear like V and Kendall et al, don’t be fooled. Celebs have exclusive access to the sacred and sterile backstage zone, where they won’t fall to the pits of mud, dust, humidity, and ever-changing weather – yup, the exact things we mortals, unfortunately, need to deal with throughout the days-long festival.

Your prized sartorial possessions belong in your closet, at least for now. You don’t want your fine cashmere jacket splattered with beer or mud, or in some bizarre turn of events, your designer leather handbag sloshed in half. You simply won’t enjoy as much if you constantly need to worry about snagging your favorite (expensive) dress or scuffing your handbag.

Most importantly, do not simply go along the trends. It’s always better to maintain your own sense of style. Take your own taste, meld it with a festival-worthy element, and play with accessories and other festive pieces from your closet to take your style to the next level.

Ethan Reynolds

Meet Ethan Reynolds, an avid writer with a zest for life and a passion for exploring the vibrant tapestry of human experiences. With a background in cultural studies and a love for culinary adventures, Ethan weaves captivating stories that delve into the realms of lifestyle, health, food, fashion, music, culture, and travel. When he's not tapping away at his keyboard, you can find him savoring exotic cuisines, grooving to eclectic tunes, or immersing himself in the local customs of a new destination. Through his engaging writing, Ethan aims to inspire readers to embrace the richness of life, foster well-being, and embark on transformative journeys of discovery.

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